Monday, 17 March 2014

Crystal Palace 2014

               After the kids had twirled,whirled and spun themselves silly and their parents slightly greenish, we relocated to the MacDonalds across the street...the one with the huge play room...big enough for 17 kids, their harried parents in desperate  in need of coffee, and their calm, happy grandparents to all sit down for a spell and catch up with each other. Oh and eat ice cream!! The helpful employees taking orders did indeed raise their eyebrows at the order of over 25 ice creams at 9:30 in the morning! But the birthday girl had spoken and ice cream it was for all her party goers.
Big almost 7 year old!!!
Time to eat.

                         Coffee ,ice cream...and one happy Grampa!!

Uncle T.j. and cousin Ryson

Happy Momma and 3 hungry sisters
3 lovely Sante ladies
It was a whirlwind of a morning  that started at 4:45 am and wrapped up at 10 !! We had pretty sleepy girls for the hour long ride home but hey, it only happens once a year and what's not to love about a  happy,spirited girl celebrating her birthday in fine style ,surrounded buy lights, music, twirling rides, but most of all, family.....oh and ice cream!

Bunnies in the Snow

The Girls had so much fun when our friend Ashley came to visit.

                                     Bunny love!

                                                  Betsy is by far the gentlest soul in our family. She gets passed from one set of childish arms to the next,without any protest, and dutifully nibbles carrots on demand whenever a little one deems her hungry enough for another snack.  We hope Esther will become a mother this spring as Emily has chosen a friend's male rabbit to be the lucky "husband for a day". Betsy is far too old for such goings on, but will be loved just as much simply because she"bears all things" so contentedly , and is always up for a little pretend mother to play house with her and to sit in the baby carriage munching on carrots as if she was made for nothing else but making little girls squeal with happiness.

Birthday Girl

 I had the best of Birthday's this year. For the first time in 17 years(wow!! ) I woke up on my Birthday morning and had breakfast with my Mom and Dad!! Ryan and the girls had  my  favorite breakfast cooked complete with a Tim Horton's cappuccino! The girls one by one gave me their presents , and did I ever feel spoiled!!

                             Gifts from all my family
 Grammie reading funny stories to the girls.

 A violin bow from my hubby!!

 Lunch time came with another fabulous meal. K.F.C.! Mom presented Ryan with a gift all his own. He had a terrible cold and was feeling rather stuffed up, so she sought to lift his spirits with a comical book.
Then came my delicious cake. Mommy made it for me and Oh it was good!

After our dinner ,meal, We all watched the Olympic hockey game . Everyone  was in on the excitement!

Everyone except for Elin and Eva that is...they were obsessed with another gift from about the Roman gladiator era....a rather shocking  children's educational book I might add!! Oh but they were intrigued!
 A lovely day spent with loved ones, it was the perfect way to spend a birthday .If one must get older and pass the milestone every year, what better way to celebrate then with family,food and fun!!!